Kamis, 10 Maret 2016

The Ins and outs of making scientific writing

There were (sedang) a lot of intricacies in making (membuat) my thesis and it made (membuat) me unrealize that I had been studying (belajar) for six terms because time goes (pergi) on so fast. In this term, I had to make  (membuat) my thesis for the first time. At  that time, I was (sedang) really confused how to make (membuat) it. I didn't (tidak) know about the thesis method at all. So that I was (sedang) used to go to the library to see references in making (membuat) a thesis. I found (ditemukan) many examples and ways to calculate (menghitung) the data there.
When I got (mendapat) the academic counselor for guiding (membimbing) me in making (membuat) the thesis, I also asked (bertanya) to my counselor how to make (membuat) a good thesis. My counselor advised (disarankan) me to make (membuat) a thesis that I can (dapat)  comprehend (memahami). Then , I finally decided (memutuskan) to write (menulis) The  Comparison of Iron Fence Prediction at Koko Steel Company as the title of my thesis. And I was (sedang) very glad because my counselor approved (disetujui) it.
Day by day goes (pergi) on, I tried to write (menulis) the thesis from the first chapter until the last (terakhir) chapter. Besides references, I was (sedang) asked by my counselor to find (menemukan) journals and literature  too for supporting (mendukung) my thesis. When my counselor finally approved (disetujui) all chapters, I was (sedang) very happy and excited (bersemangat) to register the thesis session immediately (segera).
when the session schedule began (mulai), I felt so (jadi) nervous but I tried (mencoba) hardly to be (menjadi) calm by taking (mengambil) very deep breath until I was (sedang) called to have (memiliki) my turn (mengubah). In the session, I was (sedang) asked so many questions from the selling (menjual) ways of the company, the calculation method etc. I did (apakah) my best to answers those questions. And I felt (merasa) free after doing (melakukan) it. Thank God I finally accomplished my thesis well although it wasn't (tidak) easy to do it.

simple past tanse (verb)

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